Tuesday 31 March 2009

How I feel about London ...

In someways London will be the perfect place for me.
Pretty much no one knows me,
so I can go out, experiment, do what I like
away from the judging eyes of family/friends,
find my own happiness.
Whatever it may be.

That's why I prefer to stay in London, instead of Taiwan.

British told me: "You're experienced in your field, can speak at least two languages. There will be something there for you." My Ph.D. thesis supervisor told me: "Erin, you are a doctor, do what a doctor will do, and act like a doctor. For God's sake, you are a young and smart doctor."

I don't know what is wrong with me. My problem is I don't know how to lead a life. I guess I gotta learn how to live.

Sunday 29 March 2009


倫敦的 Selfridges Department Store G floor 有穿洞跟刺青的店
櫃檯在 Topshop 跟 French Connection 中間
刺青要預約, 價格是師傅評估, 不一定多少錢
因為設在知名百貨公司 Selfridges Department Store 感覺比較有保障

店名: MetalMorphosis
分店: Oxford Street, Spirit on the Ground Floor. Landline: 020 7318 3801.

Saturday 28 March 2009

Rudy (1993)



噢我的愛人(O mistress mine)by 莎士比亞

O mistress mine 噢我的愛人

O mistress mine, where are you roaming?
O, stay and hear; your true love’s coming,
That can sing both high and low.
Trip no further, pretty sweeting;
Journeys end in lovers meeting,
Every wise man’s son doth know.
What is love? ’tis not hereafter;
Present mirth hath present laughter;
What’s to come is still unsure.
In delay there lies no plenty;
Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty,
Youth’s a stuff will not endure.

莎士比亞第 129 首十四行詩

The expense of spirit in a waste of shame
Is lust in action; and till action, lust
Is perjur'd, murderous, bloody, full of blame,
Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust;
Enjoy'd no sooner but despised straight;
Past reason hunted; and no sooner had,
Past reason hated, as a swallow'd bait,
On purpose laid to make the taker mad:
Mad in pursuit, and in possession so;
Had, having, and in quest to have, extreme;
A bliss in proof,—and prov'd, a very woe;
Before, a joy propos'd; behind, a dream.
All this the world well knows; yet none knows well
To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell.

莎士比亞第 71 首十四行詩

Sonnet No. 71 第71首 十四行詩

No longer mourn for me when I am dead
Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell
Give warning to the world that I am fled
From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell:
Nay, if you read this line, remember not
The hand that writ it, for I love you so,
That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot,
If thinking on me then should make you woe.
O! if, I say, you look upon this verse,
When I perhaps compounded am with clay,
Do not so much as my poor name rehearse;
But let your love even with my life decay;
Lest the wise world should look into your moan,
And mock you with me after I am gone.

莎士比亞第 18 首十四行詩

Sonnet 18【第十八首】

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometimes declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


莎士比亞(William Shakespeare,1564-1616),英國最著名的詩人、劇作家。除了 37 部劇本外,寫有 154 首十四行詩,其中大多數是情詩。這些詩有寫給異性戀人的,也有寫給同性友人或愛慕對象的——據說是一位貴族青年。不管是異性戀、同性戀或友情,人間一切美好事物最大的敵人即是時間或死亡。如何對抗或克服時間的威脅,超越死亡,就成為人生,乃至於莎士比亞十四行詩中的重要主題。中國人所謂的三不朽,立言是其一,莎士比亞也深信文字的力量,認為他的詩將不朽,在他死後繼續發揮效力。此處所譯的兩首詩皆觸及此一主題,然而趣味卻大不同。

在第 18 首十四行詩裡,莎士比亞認為用象徵熱情、美景的「夏天」不足以描述他愛人的美好形象,因為它多變無常且無法逃脫自然遞嬗的法則。唯有他的詩作才能賜予戀人「永恆的夏天」,賦予愛情永恆的生命,以對抗死亡。此時的詩人是神采飛揚的,企圖向世人宣揚他對愛情以及文學的信念,結尾的幾行鏗鏘有力,是幾百年來一再被吟誦的名句。

而在第 71 首十四行詩裡,我們看到的卻是對愛情(或許隱含同性之愛)充滿無奈憂慮、對文學存有些許疑懼的詩人。他希望他深愛的人在他死後不要提起他的名字,唯恐兩人的不尋常關係會因此不經意洩露,讓世人以庸俗的價值觀去評斷或曲解他倆的情愛,而平白蒙受屈辱(「免得精明的世人看透你傷心處,/讓你在我死後跟著我一同受辱」 )。雖仍相信文字的力量(諷刺的是,還包括其殺傷力),但此刻的他溫柔自苦地讓愛情的價值凌駕文學之上,因為愛得真切,他願意做個被世人遺忘名姓的詩人。和前首詩相比,這首詩裡的複雜的情愫更令人玩味。

同樣是相信文字的不朽,同樣是「4行 + 4行 + 4行 + 2行」的結構:一首詩堅信能使所愛的人流芳萬古,另一首卻深怕累及所愛,讓其蒙羞萬年,其中境遇看似衝突,其實是有情但能力有限的人類捍衛愛情的不同方式。

第 129 首十四行詩,可以說是驚人之作,以有限的十四行篇幅中,把「性愛」如此龐大之題材,維妙維肖、深刻生動、淋漓盡致地表現出。凡為人者,讀後皆驚心,動心,會心,小心。難怪十九世紀英國批評家瓦茨鄧頓(Thedore Watts-Dunton)稱它是「世界最偉大的」一首詩。

最後兩首是從莎士比亞戲劇裡選出的情歌。〈噢我的愛人〉出自《第十二夜》(The Twelfth Night)第二幕第三景,是當時流行的歌謠,在伊麗莎白時代許多歌本裡都可以找到,但專家仍推定是莎士比亞之作,似是莎士比亞採舊歌改寫而成。此曲流傳至今,作曲者是莎士比亞的鄰居,有名的摩利(Thomas Morley),可以在許多 CD上聽到。〈那是一個情人和他的姑娘〉出自《如願》(As You Like It)第五幕第三景,歌「及時行樂」,讚青春之美好,在當時亦大受歡迎。1599年,摩利在《如願》一劇首演幾個月後即出版了他所譜之曲,迭經演唱,迄今不衰。

四百多年來,除摩利外,不斷有作曲家將莎士比亞這兩首歌譜成曲,傑出者如奎爾特(Roger Qüilter,1877-1953),瓦洛克(Peter Warlock,1894-1930),芬奇(Gerald Finzi,1901-1956),德玲(Madeleine Dring,1923-1977),喬吉(Orbán György,1947-)等,可以找到多種CD版本或從網路上聽到。另外莎士比亞第18首十四行詩也被多位作曲家譜過,其中瑞典籍林伯格(Nils Lindberg,1933-)的無伴奏合唱版本頗令人喜愛,網路上可以聽到。


Criminal Conviction

England & Wales - Criminal Records Bureau www.crb.gov.uk
Scotland - Scottish Criminal Record Office Disclosure Service www.disclosurescotland.co.uk




所有文件若為英文版,請務必注意文件上英文名字須與護照相同。申請英文版臺灣良民證(警察刑事紀錄證明),須有申請書(附委託書,需申請人簽名及蓋章)、身分證正本及影本、護照英文姓名內頁影本、工本費$250 (3個工作天)。


辦理美國FBI良民證應備文件 (Police Clearance Certificate)

(1) 到內政部入出國及移民署按指紋:台北市服務站:廣州街15號 (02)2389-9983
(2) 將指紋卡正本連同匯票(規費美金18元,請至銀行買美金匯票,抬頭寫 the Treasury of the United States,亦可用信用卡付帳)寄至:
TO: FBI CJIS Division – Record Request
Attn: SCU, Mod. D-2
1000 Custer Hollow RoadClarksburg,
West Virginia 26306U.S.A

1. 指紋卡 (Check FBI Website 請先印出來將姓名住址等資料填好再帶過去,以便節省時間)
2. 護照
3. 身分證
4. NT$100

臺北市服務站 - 臺北市中正區廣州街15號
[By Subway:小南門站 Exit 2] or [By Bus:捷運小南門站:212、238、243、304]  
請直接至B1的48號櫃檯辦理, 不需預約馬上就可以處理, 一下子就好了.

*** 提供美國居住過地址及期間只是便於FBI儘速處理,您簽名的申請函(內容格式不限)也非強制需要.

Friday 27 March 2009

Free Online Phone Calls

Skype - International

MSN - International

WebCallDirect - UK

英國 T1 (General) Migrant 應備文件


Submitted the following Supporting Documents:
1. Current Passport (the newest one) [If your passport is lost, you need 入出國日期證明]
2. Visa4uk Online Application Form 線上申請表格 [Completed by Computer and 1 Photo]
3. Form – Appendix 1: Tier 1 (General) Migrant
4. 服務證明 + 在職證明 + 薪資證明
5. Copies of Savings Account Pass Book
6. Individual Income Tax Return
7. 存款餘額證明 Certificate of Account Balance (Valid within 3 Months)
8. 學歷證明 [No Transcripts Required]
9. Self-Assessment Form
10. A Copy of Current Passport [No need to be Certificated]
11. A Copy of Taiwan Personal ID
12. Visa Fee [Cash NTD$32,400]

ACCA Qualification Initial Registration form (IR) --- Register with ACCA and Apply Exemptions

To complete the ACCA Qualification Initial Registration form (IR), and then with related supporting documents, you may register with ACCA as a student and also apply exemptions.

Please read the following carefully to ensure that you have sent us everything ACCA needs to process your application without delay. Please do NOT send original documents as we are unable to guarantee that these will be returned. Documentation must be clearly legible and of an acceptable quality to be accurately read electronically. Failure to do so may mean ACCA is unable to properly read your application, which may lead to a delay in processing.

Please use ONE staple to attach enclosed documentation and ensure that the form number is written on all enclosed documentation.

Supporting Documents
1. Payment:
- The initial registration fee due in 2009 is GBP66. Payment can be made by cheques, postal order (order GBP1.00, charge GBP0.01 fee) or credit/debit card. Please write your form number on the front of any cheques/postal orders (Section 12).
2. Proof of identity:
- A copy of your birth certificate or national identity card or a copy of the pages from your passport showing your personal details.
- A copy of your marriage certificate, deed poll certificate or decree nisi if your name has changed.
3. Education documents:
- Copies of all completion certificates issued by the awarding body.
- Official translations where documents are not in English.
- Copies of official transcripts for all years of study, issued by the awarding body, listing the subjects passed to gain your qualification(s).
4. Photograph:
- A passport-sized photograph with your form number clearly written on the back, inserted into the clear pocket on the front cover of your initial registration form.
5. Declaration:
- Please ensure that you signed the declaration (Section 15).

An ACCA student or affiliate may only undertake work as set out in ACCA Membership Regulations. You may not claim to be a Member of ACCA, hold yourself out to be in, or carry on, public practice, nor be a partner or director in a firm that carries on public practice. Public practice is defined as businesses or firms that carry out audit and assurance services, or offer accountancy related services. A full definition of public practice can be found in the ACCA Rulebook or at www.accaglobal.com. If you do not comply with ACCA’s Regulations, ACCA will take disciplinary action against you. If you provide accounting services, or would like information about the types of work you can undertake, you should contact ACCA.

You will be required to record the relevant practical experience you gain through a personalized online tool – the trainee development matrix (TDM). If you do not have access to the internet you should indicate in the box provided and ACCA will contact you regarding alternative methods of recording your experience.

Applicants who do not satisfy ACCA’s minimum entry requirements will automatically be considered for the Mature Student Entry Route (MSER) (please refer to www.accaglobal.com for further information).

Please provide details of qualifications that you hold, or are currently studying. School qualifications, diplomas, degrees and professional qualifications, diplomas, degrees and professional qualifications should be included. Copies of award certificates must be submitted for all completed qualifications. Academic transcripts should also be submitted for any qualification for which you wish to claim exemption. Official translations should be included for any documentation which is not in English.

If you are unsure of your exemption entitlement, you should wait for confirmation before starting any course of study. You will receive written confirmation of any awarded exemptions from ACCA after your application has been processed. Please refer to ACCA’s website www.accaglobal.com/join or call ACCA Connect on +44 (0) 141 582 2000 for confirmation of your eligibility for exemptions. The award of exemptions may affect your eligibility to opt into the Oxford Brookes degree programme. Please refer to the Section 7 notes for clarification.

ACCA operates an Equal Opportunities Policy – and in accordance with the UK Disability Discrimination Act 1995 – we actively strive to ensure that no individual will be disadvantaged due to a disability when they access our exams. ACCA is committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to benefit from suitable exam conditions in accordance with their specific needs. In many instances additional time to complete exams, provision of a scribe or reader, enlarged text on question papers and many other ‘reasonable adjustments’ are regularly arranged in order to achieve this.

ACCA offers the opportunity to take papers reflecting local tax and law systems in the countries listed on the initial registration form. You should select the most appropriate tax and law variants for the country or region in which you are working or intend to work on completion of your studies. Where a local variant is not work on completion of your studies. Where a local variant is not offered, you may select from any of the variants listed, however, the most appropriate for law is likely to be England or Global and the most appropriate for tax is likely to be UK. The Global law variant reflects the fact that students work in a global economy and covers the systems of a number of legal jurisdictions. Please check with your employer/tuition provider to ensure that tuition is available locally for your chosen variant.

Accounting and Audit standards
You will be able to choose the accounting and audit standards on which you wish to be examined at the same time as you enter for your exams. You may choose between International or UK standards, or if you have chosen to take Hong Kong SAR, Ireland, Malaysia or Singapore tax, you may choose between International or locally determined standards.

Applicants should hold an acceptable English language qualification and opt into the programme before attempting any of the qualifying Papers F7-F9. If you are awarded an exemption from Papers F4, and you do not have an acceptable English language qualification, you will not be eligible to join the degree programme. If you are awarded exemptions from Papers F7-F9, or any of your exemptions are based on qualifications gained by you more than 10 years ago, you will not be eligible to join the programme. Please note, if you choose not to opt into the degree programme at the time of registration, you can opt in at a later date, however you must opt in before attempting Papers F7-F9.

ACCA Exchange is an online e-business service which allows your employer access to administer your ACCA account on your behalf. You will need to contact your employer to find out what level of administration they will provide on your behalf.

Your e-mail address will be used for e-mails sent to you by ACCA. It mist be unique to you and not shared. It is your responsibility to ensure that your e-mail address is correct. ACCA will not accept responsibility for e-mails being sent to addresses which are no longer used, incorrectly formatted, or which are publicly available.

The initial registration fee for 2009 is GBP66, your payment must accompany this application. It will not be refunded after registration or if your application contains false or misleading information. You will be invoiced for any further fees, eg exemption fees, after registration. Once registered your annual subscription will be due on 1 January, following the date of your registration, eg if you register up to and including 31 December 2009, your first annual subscription will be due on 1 January 2010. ACCA will invoice you for your annual subscription. If composite cheques/bank drafts are being submitted please attach a letter confirming the names and form numbers of all applicants.

In order that ACCA can monitor the diversity of the student population effectively, please indicate your ethnic origin. ACCA appreciates the sensitive nature of this information and submission is voluntary. This information is used for statistical purposes and held on a confidential basis. However, please note that by completing this part of the form, you are giving consent to ACCA to store this information on either computer or manual files.

Please ensure that you read this section carefully before signing. You should disclose details of past events referred to in ACCA Bye-law 8 for consideration of your eligibility for registration. Unsigned applications cannot be accepted.

All applications will be processed by ACCA Customer Services in Glasgow, UK. Please allow up to six weeks after the date of receipt in the Glasgow office for your application to be processed. Once your registration is complete you will receive a registration pack and ACCA registration card. This card will be required for identification purposes at exam centres.


If you are asking about appropriation of the degree then you might have to look at primary difference between CIMA and ACCA first.

The CIMA syllabus is orientated towards the accountant’s role as a member of the management team of an organisation, and covers a wider range of non-financial subjects. In business, CIMA members are more likely to be found in general management roles.

The ACCA syllabus, however, is orientated towards the accountant’s role in professional practice, with greater emphasis placed on financial accounting, audit and tax. Chartered certified accountants can train in public practice (accountancy firms) or in industry. In business, they are more likely to be found compiling the financial accounts of the business or advising the company on its tax situation and on ways to invest its profits.

要在台灣執業只有台灣會計師高考及格才有用, 其他通通沒有用. 不過, 香港是承認ACCA(要執業的話只要加考香港稅法及公司法)的. 中國則是走向承認(正在協商讓ACCA會員只需加考部分中國CPA科目就可執業), 這些地方的會計及審計原則都和ACCA接軌.


To become a new student with CIMA, you need to first register on our website.
The annual subscription fee for 2009 is £87 and the registration fee is £58.
Please click on the below link to register as a new student. http://www2.cimaglobal.com/cps/rde/xchg/live/root.xsl/1267.htm

Once you've registered as a student, you can fax over your relevant educational documents so CIMA can assess whether or not you can qualify for any CIMA exemptions.
The fax number for this is 0870 787 9408/09.
Alternatively, please email your certificates and transcripts to student.admissions@cimaglobal.com.
Please click on the below link for the exemptions database. http://www2.cimaglobal.com/cps/rde/xchg/live/root.xsl/exemptionsearch.htm
If you do not qualify for any exemptions, you would need to study CIMA from the pre-requisite level which is also known as the Certificate in Business Accounting.
There are 5 computer based exams that can be taken throughout the year and each are 2 hours long.

Once you have completed these you can then move on towards studying for the CIMA professional examinations at the intermediate level. These consist of 6 examinations that are 3 hours each and are taken during May and November of each year. When you complete these you can move onto the 3 advanced level examinations at the strategic level. Once these have been completed the TOPCIMA case study can be taken as the final examination. To find a tuition provider that teaches the CIMA course, please see the below link:http://www1.cimaglobal.com/cps/rde/xchg/root.xsl/collegesearch.htm

I hope this information is helpful. If you have any further enquiries do not hesitate to contact: The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
26 Chapter Street
London SW1P 4NP
United Kingdom
P. +44 (0)20 8849 2251
F. +44 (0)20 8849 2479
E. cima.contact@cimaglobal.com
W. www.cimaglobal.com


Register with a Doctor for NHS Treatment



All patients to provide:
1. Proof of current address – utility bills/rent book etc
2. Proof of residency in U.K. for 6 months or more
3. Photo ID – new style driving license/ID cards etc

Refugees/Asylum Seekers
1. Evidence of immigration status
2. ARC card
3. SA2 form

Until you are registered, if you need medical advice you can access the following organizations:
1. Telephone NHS Direct on 0845 46 47
2. Patient Advice and Liaison (PALS) 020 8
3. Make use of local pharmacies for minor health problems

Oyster Card 倫敦傳輸(Transport for London)

Oyster Card 是大倫敦地區專用的旅行電子票証卡,和台灣的悠遊卡,香港的八達通(Octopus)是相似的。可以翻譯成牡蠣卡或生蠔卡。據說之所以會叫做 Oyster,是因為牡蠣的殼很硬,表示這個電子卡很安全;再加上牡蠣裡頭有珍珠,暗預這張電子卡裡面的科技是這個世代的財寶。真的是...牽托...。

不過我比較喜歡的另一種解釋是 World Is Your Oyster:When the world is your oyster,you are getting everything want from life。當你手拿著 Oyster Card 你可以去任何你想去的地方!

為什麼要用 Oyster Card?因為便宜,方便,環保,還有好康的(Appendix 1)。再加上 Oyster Card 和台灣的悠遊卡很像,很容易使用。倫敦地鐵Oyster Card票種可以分成兩種,Travelcard (無限次季票)以及 Pay As You Go(這個比較像台灣悠遊卡,儲值多少錢就讓你做多少次)。

Travelcard 無限次季票有分成:One Day Travelcard - 一日交通票Three Days Travelcard - 連續三日交通票(一定要連續三天,不可以自己任挑三天)7 Days Travelcard - 連續七天交通票以及一個月月票,三個月,六個月,或是一年年票。七天之上(不包含七天)的無限次交通票會需要多一張Photo ID。

所以到底要買哪種卡勒?Pay as you go 還是無限次季票?Umm,各位同學們,請買 Oyster Card - Pay As You Go 坐多少花多少。

為什麼要買Pay As You Go勒,因為有"封頂"(cap)= "消費的最高限度"機制。基本上Oyster Pay As You Go Card會幫你計算你今天用了多少次多少錢,然後和那些 Travelcard(季票)的價錢比較。所以你所花的錢絕對不會超過無限次季票的最高限度。

既然無限次季票和Pay As You Go 價錢一樣,那為什麼還有季票這種東西?Umm,因為Pay As You Go最多只能儲值90英磅,季票的價錢大都是超過90英鎊的。

如果已經有一張 Pay As You Go Oyster Card,那還可以有季票 Travelcard嗎?答案是可以的。不需要拿著兩張卡。一張 Oyster 上面可以有季票和 Pay As You Go一起。也就是說,如果有個人住在第二區花£60買一個月 2-3區季票(因為他工作只需要讓他在2-3區裡面行動)但是這一個月中間如果有一天晚上他跑到第一區看一下電影,他就只需要付Oyster Card單程的錢(£1.50)(來回£3)不需要用現金買票 (£4)(來回£8)(因為他的季票不能夠讓他到第一區)

香港已經可以用八達通買些小東西了,英國倫敦也想要跟進。只是現在還沒有很普遍就是了。要怎麼知道你Oyster裡面剩下多少錢勒?眼睛快的可以在每次使用前後看到剩餘金額,眼睛不好的可以利用在每個地鐵站裡面,有個黃色感應器的機器,也是“貼“一下就可以了。可以用那種機器儲值,或是在倫敦街上有超過2200商家可以幫你加值。加值的英文叫做 Top-Up,你也可以用Auto Top-Up自動加值,不過來觀光旅行的還是乖乖的自己加吧。

如果,不想用電子卡,你也是可以買傳統紙卡。只是傳統紙卡比電子卡貴多了。坐公車用電子卡付費的話,單程只要90p,拿現金付錢的話得花兩英鎊。做地鐵用電子卡也是付的比用紙卡便宜多了。所以無論如何,要在倫敦玩,還是弄張 Oyster Card 吧!

Appendix 1:倫敦傳輸(Transport for London)竭盡所能的推廣 Oyster Card,在網站上有多國語言版本教學。沒有繁體中文版不過有簡體中文版,教你如何充分應用你的Oyster Card。你可以使用 Oyster Card 作公車地鐵甚至有部分的火車都可以用Oyster Card來付費。還有很多優惠,近年來可以使用的範圍越來越大,像是倫敦水族館,杜莎夫人蠟像館,甚至有些歌劇博物館美術館,如果你用 Oyster Card 到達那邊,成人票就可以買一送一!!而有些餐廳還可以打五折。通常只要拿著 Oyster Card 再買票的時候拿給售票小姐看就可以了。

在倫敦玩耍一定不能沒有Oyster Card! Oyster Card就像我們捷運的悠遊卡一樣,但是更"好"用~簡單舉個例,在地鐵圖1區(zone 1)裡面玩耍,如果你用現金買單程票,要價4英鎊(Cash single fare:£4)如果用Oyster card則只要花費1.5鎊 (Oyster card single fare:£1.5)費率差別之大,就知道為甚麼一定要有張Oyster card了!

需要到處趴趴走的旅客,使用Oyster card就不需要買Day pass(1日票)Oyster card每日扣款上限就是Day pass的價格,另外還有3日票、7日票等等,購買7日票就不用另外付Oyster card的押金(£3)~我當初就是這麼買的~除了坐地鐵之外,Oyster card也可以用來坐bus持Oyster card,成人單程費率90p,投現金則要£2喔!全天最多扣£3,比買one day bus pass的£3.5還要便宜~(all day = 當日0430-隔日0430,整整24hr)

最近Oyster card還推出了結合National Rail Railcard的折扣使用Young person card或是其他National Rail Railcard,每日扣款上限更省!尤其是離峰時間(off-peak),差好多喔~所以有Young Persons Railcard的人,別忘了去找Underground Station (Tube Station)站務人員將Young Persons Railcard的資訊輸入Oyster Card裡喔!

最後~要推一下Oyster card可以在網路上註冊&加值的功能只要在網路上註冊完成~就可以執行查詢餘額、儲值、掛失等等功能不只如此~還常常會推出景點折扣 eg. 持Oyster card,購買London eye ticket,buy 1 get 1 free如果想要更進一步瞭解倫敦地鐵資訊 & Oyster card優惠訊息,請上:http://www.tfl.gov.uk/home.aspx


Oyster Card與儲值流動電話卡有點類似,兩者均需預事先增值,當卡內再沒有餘額,你只要將Oyster Card再次增值便可。在倫敦旅行時,請預先為你的Oyster卡購買「交通儲值」,你每次乘坐公共交通的費用將會在卡內的儲值額中扣除。

使用Oyster Card時,只要卡內在當日扣除的儲值額達到Travel Card「一日」的交通費額,你當日其他乘坐的所有交通工具將可不論次數免收車費。

乘坐地鐵和火車時,不論入閘機是開著或是使用側閘,你必須仍舊在起點站入閘時和終點站出閘時在黃色的讀卡機上平放Oyster Card讀卡,否則你或需按較高的票價付費。如果你乘坐巴士出遊,請在你登上巴士時刷卡,而下車時則無需再刷卡。如果乘坐電車,請於上車前在電車停靠月臺的讀卡器上刷卡便可,下車時也不需要再次刷卡。

當Oyster Card失效時該怎麼辦?
在黃色讀卡器上有一橙色的燈,當你將Oyster Card與其接觸時,如果該燈變綠,說明該卡為有效並能繼續使用。如果該燈變紅,則說明該卡不能繼續使用。一般來說,這只是因為讀卡器不能正確地讀卡,你只需把卡從讀卡器上拿開,等燈變為橙色後再次讀卡便可。如果顯示仍為紅色,有可能是卡內餘額不足,你只需為該卡增值便可。Oyster Card非常可靠,若果你的卡完全不能使用,你只需到地鐵站門口或售票點更換另一張卡便可。

在那裡能購買Oyster Card?
你可以在地鐵站(Underground Station)、Oyster票務黠購買Oyster Card,倫敦共有3000個帶有倫敦地鐵標誌的票務點(以商店佔大多數),你也可以在網上購買Oyster Card。要使用Oyster Card,你需先支付3英鎊的押金(Deposit),然後存入現金(Pre Pay)。如果在旅行中,Oyster Card的餘額用完,你隨時可以在地鐵站或Oyster Card票務點增值(Top-Up)。3英鎊的押金 is refundable,但如果你的卡還未到期,請好好保存你的Oyster Card,以便下次來英國時繼續使用,也可借給來英國旅遊的朋友或家人。

Young Persons Railcard (16-25 Railcard)

不一定要很年輕才能辦Young Persons Railcard啦,只要是學生就可以。申請表格背面有一區是給mature student用的,將表格拿回學校,請指導教授簽字,再給學校蓋印,要附加一張相片背後也要給學校簽字,這樣就能在英國任一Train Station申請Young Persons Railcard了.

當然你也可以直接拿著你的學生證去辦一張國際學生證(International Student Identity Card, ISIC), 然後用ISIC在各Train Station辦Young Persons Railcard, 用ISIC辦Young Persons Railcard就不用經過學校蓋章證明. 要去找人蓋章蠻麻煩的, 去辦張ISIC會簡單得多.

本人在2009年03月05日拿著ISIC(各位同學, 千萬不要問Dr. Lin那張ISIC是怎麼來的, 這是Dr. Lin另一個不能說的秘密啦! 不過, 那張ISIC真的是真的)到本人現在居住臨近的Train Station - "Forest Gate"去申辦Young Persons Railcard. Forest Gate的一位黑人胖老頭居然拒絕受理, 並要求本人到學校找人蓋章証明. My Gosh! Was he blind? Read the application form again, please. 但是, 因為我有事情要辦, 所以不宜久戰, 第一回合...敗.

最後, 在"詳讀"Young Persons Railcard的申請表格並與一位不願具名的博士班學生Skype討論後, Dr. Lin再次於2009年03月16日再次拿著ISIC and 1 Photo到Forest Gate再次申辦Young Persons Railcard. Unfortunately, 我又遇到同一個 --- 黑人胖老頭, 這次我不拿到Young Persons Railcard誓不為人啦! 本來他還是不讓我辦, 但我據理力爭(According to the rules in the application form), 他看我後面大排長X, 又見我一付誓在必得的樣子, 就給我辦了. 於是我付了24英磅(有效期1 year)拿了我的Young Persons Railcard揚長而去, 第二回合...勝!

*** ISIC是目前唯一國際上確認的全日制學生證明文件。全世界超過116 個國家和地區發行,憑證可享全球各地幾萬種不同類型的優惠。想利用假期出國自助旅遊或遊學的「年輕人」, 可考慮辦一張ISIC, 請參考: http://www.statravel.org.tw/isic/index.htm

*** Young Persons Railcard (16-25 Railcard), with a 16-25 Railcard (formerly Young Persons Railcard), you'll get a massive 1/3 off most rail fares throughout Great Britain as well as many other great discounts, for a whole year, and all for just GBP24. 16-25 Railcard can also provide great discounts on the following:
1) Gatwick Express, Stansted Express, Heathrow Express and Heathrow Connect services.
2) Many First Class Advance fares with selected Train Companies and upgrades to First Class at weekends (subject to availability) upon payment of a supplement.
3) London Zones 1-6 Off-Peak Day Travelcard (subject to a minimum fare).
4) Oyster (Transport for London) – now you can get your Railcard discount loaded on to your Oyster card to save 1/3 on the Off-Peak daily cap on pay as you go.
5) PLUSBUS – unlimited bus travel at your origin/ destination station with participating operators. Visit plusbus.info for more details.
6) Some rail/sea journeys with Wightlink, Red Funnel Ferries and Stena Line.

Provisional Driving Licence

剛剛在上一篇"銀行開戶"的文章中, 我們提到"Provisional Driving Licence". What is it? When to apply for a photocard provisional driving licence?

You cannot start to drive a car until your provisional driving licence has been accepted and in your possession. You can apply for your provisional driving licence 2 months before your 17th Birthday. 叮!!! 時間到! Time's up! 猜到了嗎? 就是"學習駕照"啦!

銀行行員要你去辦的是provisional driving license (學習駕照), 因為學習駕照上會列示你的姓名、照片、英國現居地址. 2009年3月去申辦學習駕照要£50.00. 各位要辦各類駕照, 可以到各Post Office(郵局)去要申請表格(Your first move should get a DVLA “Provisional Driving Licence”application form from any Post Office in the UK). Please note that you need to find a suitable person who can sign your photo and Section 6 in the application form. 我找誰幫我簽? 當然是我那任勞任怨又苦命的博士班指導教授囉!

Section 6 – Signing a photo to verify identity (if necessary)
You must get someone reliable to sign the back of your photo if you are providing identity documents other than an up-to-date passport or UK travel document, UK Identity Card for Foreign Nationals/Residence Permit, or an EC or EEA identity card (with the exception of Sweden), as proof of your identity. If you are providing one of the above, you do not need to have your photo signed by anyone.

Suitable people who can sign your photo include:
1) local business people or shopkeepers;
2) librarians;
3) professionally qualified people (for example, lawyers, teachers or engineers);
4) police officers;
5) bank or building society staff;
6) civil servants;
7) ministers of religion;
8) magistrates;
9) local councilors, Members of Parliament, Assembly Members, Members of the Scottish Parliament or Members of the European Parliament.

We will make checks on people who sign photocard driving licence applications.
If you have come to live in the United Kingdom within the last two years and you cannot have your photo signed by someone who has known you for at least two years within the UK, you should take all the documents to your nearest DVLA local office. They will sign your photo and fill in section 6 of the application form. The DVLA local office will send your application and original identity documents to us at DVLA, Swansea.

辦駕照所需資料及相關手續, 請參考 UK Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA): http://www.dvla.gov.uk/drivers/drvingb.htm (How to fill in your Application for a driving licence (D1)For more information go to www.direct.gov.uk/driving)

雖說辨學習駕照有點貴, 但它的有效期限是10年, 用會計折舊的觀念來看, 一年費用5英磅, OK啦! 可以拿來當身分証用嘛! Positive Thining la! 不要太難過了!

p.s. 拿觀光簽証來的只能用國際駕照開12個月(自入境起算).

如何在英國的銀行開戶? 開一個戶, 有那麼難嗎?

如何在英國的銀行開戶? 開一個戶, 有那麼難嗎? The answer is YES. 在英國申請銀行帳戶, 真是一件困難的任務, 比起台灣實在是難上十倍. Why is it so difficult to open a UK bank account? 我來說說我自己從2009年3月3日到達英國倫敦起到今天2009年3月27日逾10次不開心的經驗吧!

銀行的開戶手續大同小異, 大概會需要顧客提供的文件包括: 1) 護照; 2) Admission Letter 或學生身份的證明; 3) 英國居住地址的證明. 話說在我還不是Dr. Erin之前 (就是我還是博士班學生的那一當時), 我來英國的時間是9月底開學前, 一來我就辦了註冊(所以有學生身份的證明 Student ID card), 同時也拿到了宿舍提供的住宿證明(地址的證明). 所以提供這三樣文件對我來說並沒有什麼困難, 因此我也就順利開了戶. 只是很多學生都在學校旁邊(University branch)辦, 所以那家分行一直都很忙, 我等了很久, 快要一個月了, 我才能動用我的學生帳戶(Student account). 我都快餓掛了, 才領到我的Debit Card. 請各位注意: Barclays Bank 對學生帳戶有存款金額的下限! Barclays 要求國際學生帳戶必須隨時至少保有 2000 英鎊 (在那時啦! 現在我哪知? 現在我已經是Dr. Lin了啊!), 否則當月會收取五英鎊的費用. 就算是只有一天比 2000 英鎊少, 隔天馬上補足也不行.

現在, 今天, 2009年3月, 以一個新移民的身分, 我要開的是Current Account and Savings account (NOT student account any more). 我可能對老鷹(Barclays Bank's LOGO)特別情有獨鐘吧! 我又選Barclays Bank去給它開戶. Opening a Current Account (no interest), you should obtain a Debit Card, and then you can shop online or pay at most of shops in the UK. If you only open a Savings Account (interests), you will get an ATM card, you can withdraw your money ONLY in Barclays Bank's ATMs in the UK. 很不幸的, 3月3日我一個也開不成.

Barclays Bank需要顧客提供的文件(Proof of Identity)包括: 1) 護照; 2)英國現居地址的證明(Barclays Bank只接受Utility bill, Electricity or Telephone landline bills); and/or 3)Provisional Driving Licence or UK Driving Licence. 三者中必須出示二種.

NatWest Bank requires IDs when opening a bank account: 1) Evidence of your identity (One of the following on your name) - (1) Current signed valid passport (and visa if applicable no less than 6 months of expiry). If you are not a UK National; (2) Current full UK photocard driving licence (pink colour) for UK born; (3) Armed Forces ID card; or (4) Police Warrant card. 2) Evidence of your address on your name (Any of the following) - (1) One months most recent bank/building society statement; (2) One consecutive utility bill (such as 1 Gas, 1 Electricity or 1 telephone landline bills no more than 3 months old); (3) Current full UK photocard driving licence (pink colour and if not already used as evidence of your identity); or (4) Council Tax bill or payment book. NO tenancy agreements, landlord/work letters or college/university letters accepted as proof of address.

HSBC跟retarded英國人就不同了, HSBC純綷是利益導向. HSBC provides 'Passport Bank Account', treats Passport as a fixed term 12-month 'contract', with a £6 per month subscription charge. That is to say, opening a bank account, you must pay £72 in total.

The conclusion is: Opening a bank account in England is not easy but it can be done, either you spend money or you prepare supporting documents well.

以上, 純屬個人經驗, 不保證同一年其他人也是這樣的經驗, 當然更無法推論以後大家可能面對的處境. 我聽許多人說今年的規定嚴格許多, 更難辦開戶了, 因為二次房貸, 因為金融風暴. 我個人認為比較適合的說法是: 在英國有許多事都是講 '緣份'的啦! 比如說, 在同一家銀行的不同分行, 或者是在同一家分行裡遇到不同的銀行行員, 甚至有可能是同一個銀行行員但是在不同日子, 都可能因為規定不同或者心情不同, 而造成有緣無份的現象, 對顧客的服務和態度更是天壤之別. 所以結論就是: 大家可以多試幾家不同的銀行, 或者試試不同的分行或銀行行員, 有時可能會有很不同的結果.

租房 Rent Room in London

Many friends might ask how could you find a room at the same day you arrived at London? I couldn't. The truth is one week earlier before I came to London, I post a 'free' (this is the most important point) ad on Gumtree site (Gumtree is a community site to help connect private individuals. People said it is No. 1 in classifieds - jobs, property, cars and more).

Gumtree is quick and easy to use, post your ad today and you will receive replies later/tomorrow. I contacted 4-5 possible landlords, and then stayed in touch with them, replied and confirmed their emails every day before I came to London.

Allow me to share two UK website with you, if you are looking for a room/flat/house in London.
www.gumtree.co.uk/london/gay-flatshare_1186_3.html or

In addition, some areas are better for living.
1. East North of London:
Leyton, WansteadEast, Bethnal GreenNorth, and Black line (Archway, kentish town,
hampstead, golder's green, finchley cenral, swiss cottage, chalk farm, willesden green)
2. West of London:
Chiswick, ealing, shepherd bush, wimbledon, richmond, putneysouth- clapham (south, north,
central), colliers wood
3. Central of London:
Earls court, south kensington, chelsea, Mayfair, Liverpool street, Holborn, Russell Square,
Regent's Park, Holland park, Hyde Park, Bayswater

What I recommend is East and/or North of London. These areas are not that expensive, and the traffic and transportation is ok too.

Thursday 26 March 2009

03月03日 抵達 倫敦

03月02日 出發 台北(TPE) 2000 CX451 (CX-國泰航空) 抵達香港(HKG) 2145 (01小時 45分鐘) 第一航站
03月02日 出發 香港(HKG) 2325 BA 26 (BA-英國航空) 直飛倫敦希斯洛機場(LHR)
03月03日 抵達 倫敦希斯洛機場(LHR) 0450 (13小時 25分鐘) 第五航站

飛往英國的經濟艙旅客, 託運行李限重20公斤 (經濟艙20公斤/客艙25公斤/商務艙30公斤), +5 kgs is acceptable. That is to say, you are allowed to put 25 kgs stuff in your luggage. 當我在桃園中正機場 Terminal 1 準備 check in 時, check in 小姐告訴我一個晴天trible霹靂的消息: "先生, 你的票是促銷票, 只允許託運'一件'行李喔!"

各位同學, 事情是這樣的, 原來國泰航空允許託運Max25公斤行李, 不限件數; BUT 英國航空允許託運Max25kgs行李, 只限一件. Then, what should I do next? Check in 小姐很貼心的建議我: "你的二件行李合計並未超過25kgs, 機場角落有一間貨運公司可以把二件包成一件, 那我就可以把你的行李當成一件不超過25kgs的行李託運." 我把二件行李帶到那邊, 付了NTD (New Taiwan Dollar)70. 再把這'一件'行李運回check in櫃台, 才完成check in程序.

I arrived at London Heathrow Airport at 04:50am (early morning) on 3rd March 2009. At the same day, I found a place to stay for myself. It was risky, but lucky me, I rented a room around 11:00am in the morning.

p.s. The check in lady made a mistake, actually, i am '小姐', not '先生'. It is ok, she's not first one making this kind of mistake.

Four Seasons





只為了妳 --- 落入凡間的天使