Saturday 4 April 2009


Today, as usual, I feel much pain again.
I realized what being alone and lonesome is.
I pray someday somehow the pain will pass,
and only the beautiful memories will remain.

God must hear me, cuz
I found an interesting job on TNT magazine,
"Help Wanted: Downland Farm in Village NR Salisbury Wilts",
I can't stay in one place too long,
travelling and working might help me get through this,
experienced as a milker, stockman, lamber, pigman, fencer & heavy machinery operator.
It's a live-in job. Interesting and must be fun.

1 comment:

  1. 如果離開一個地方是期待下一個地方會更好的話,那就該把過去狠狠抛到腦後,認真的在新地方過好每一天.不然,就失去了當初離開的理由.心境決定一個人過什麼樣的人生.這世上有太多美好及愉快的事應該去體驗,悲傷及痛苦只是人生的調味劑,不然一個人一輩子都只有爽的事,活著也太過無趣.我現在超羨慕你在英國,我今年最想看的演唱會只在英國舉行,想去看還得飛過大半個地球...淚~
